The “Digital & Data” meeting is part of a series of peer-to-peer discussion based forums, hosted by the Retail Hive. Senior retail decision makers are invited to share best practice, develop cutting edge concepts and get to grips with the retail marketing and CX landscape through interactive brain-storming sessions.
As we’re unable to meet in person instead we are pleased to be hosting an entirely virtual week. Now more than ever we understand the importance of learning and participating in peer-group discussion. We want to continue to seize this opportunity to collaborate, share insights, and host meaningful dialogue.
Every morning you’ll participate in digital roundtable discussion, facilitated 1:1s, and hear from industry keynotes.
Thank you for putting together a great group of people and setting up this chat. It was a wonderful way to start the day. Strangely enough, it lent a sense of normalcy amidst everything that is happening and how we’re currently coping with WFH/remotely.
Business Development, eCommerce & Digital Marketing Manager, Skin&Co ROMA on a recent Digital Boardroom discussion.
The format of the day is tailored for senior people. It is very interactive to encourage genuine engagement and exchange and deep diving into the issues at the heart of the next generation of retail marketing. Furthermore, the agenda is live and shaped by our audience – the topics up for discussion are those generated by the attendees themselves.
Your Peer Group Is Your Secret Source – Closed doors, Open minds, Chatham House Rule applies.