As we’re unable to meet in person on May 20th, instead we are pleased to be hosting an entirely virtual session throughout the week. Now more than ever we understand the importance of learning and participating in peer-group discussion. We want to continue to seize this opportunity to collaborate, share insights, and host meaningful dialogue.
Hearing stories from your peers about how they are responding to today’s challenges will help everyone to find partners for collaboration and unlock the power of services, models and technology which are transforming how retailers approach fulfilment at this unusual time.
Every morning you’ll participate in digital roundtable discussion, facilitated 1:1s, and hear from industry keynotes.
Thanks for organising the session and inviting me. It’s great that in these times where we are working remotely and our businesses are going through unchartered times there is a place where people in supply chain can talk openly about what is occurring in our businesses, share thoughts and ideas of how to get through this.
Head of Logistics and Customer Fulfilment, Vivobarefoot after attending our recent Digital Boardroom session.
Your Peer Group Is Your Secret Source – Closed doors, Open minds, Chatham House Rule applies.