Independent, co-branded research reports to be published by The Hive Research Services and Solution Partner. The research is structured around an initial hypothesis agreed with Solution Partner and consists of a combination of quantitative survey results and qualitative on-the-record interviews with commentary provided by The Hive editorial team and Solution Partner.
How it works:
The Hive has a wealth of contact data for each of our industry verticals. Our database is proprietary, we don’t give / sell access, and we only use it for marketing our events and distributing our content and conducting in-depth research with market participants.
- The Hive can survey our members on a topic of interest to the partner
- Data selection for researches can be tailored to the partner’s specific brief. Insight gathered can be quantitative (based on a survey completed by >50 market participants), qualitative (1-1 interviews and case studies to add depth to the aggregated survey data), or a mix of the two.
- The Hive can distribute findings / research reports to our database / at events / through affiliates
- Partner can distribute internally and through external channels
Average open rate for email campaigns
Average click through rate
Average engagement rate on LinkedIn
The Hive Research Services offer partners tools to:
- Research trends / priorities in a specific target market
- Develop original thought leadership to establish or increase brand awareness
- Support business developers looking to engage in meaningful sales conversations with clients / prospects
- Serve as a foundation for a PR / advertising campaign
- Engage clients in a non-sales format with significant value-add
- Draw attention to an emerging trend and enabling technology
- Identify emerging best practices and cast their probable impact and desired solutions in an intelligent framework
- Generate sales leads
- Create sales collateral
Our Data:
We have a focused, senior database of buy side leaders who regularly enjoy and respond to insights and content pieces.
- Coordinate with partner on hypothesis, content and structure
- Develop questionnaire / line up interviews / data select (including partner recommended contacts)
- Conduct research
- Qualitative research (1-1 interviews for deep dive insight on the topic, case studies, etc) with selection of contacts
- Quantitative research through marketing channels backed up with phone research
- Write up report, coordinate with partner
- Design report
- Print, deliver, promote, distribute
- Analyse findings, coordinate with partner
Research in action:
Global Pulse: FX Platforms
The Global Pulse: FX Platforms report was commissioned as a result of our buy side members expressing a strong desire to be able to benchmark and subsequently present collective feedback to providers on their demands and requirements.
We partnered with CME Group to produce a series of 3 reports covering the European, North American and Asian perspective. Each has been extremely well received and consumed globally by members, partners and the press.